Order my new book Stitched on Me here.

Also available on Amazon and Bookshop.org!

Hilary King was born and raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virgnia,, and after twenty years in Atlanta, moved to the Bay Area of California. Her poems have been published in numerous journals. She is an MFA student and Steinbeck Fellow at San Jose State, and an editor for DMQ Review. She lives with her family and animals in the Bay Area, and loves hiking, travel, and ribbon.

Selected poems:

“Icarus Had a Sister” in A Minor

A summer poem in One Art

“Let me live without lessons” is a line I borrowed to begin this poem

“Pipeline” in Ms.

“Therapy of Red Vines” in Rogue Agent

“Later” in Feral

“Trying On” in Gyroscope

“Two Million Sit-Ups Later” in Maudlin House

New poems up at One Art: www.oneart.com

Upcoming Readings!

March 27, 2025 - Los Angeles

About Stitched on Me 

“It is a necessary, truth-telling commentary on the conflicts and contradictions that thread themselves through our complex identities and our lives. - Joan Kwon Glass, author of Night Swim”

“Crafted with precision and tempered by King’s wit and humor, Stitched on Me discovers a different vision of aging and offers self-acceptance, the greatest wisdom of all. What a gift to read this book.” - Sally Ashton, author Listening to Mars and The Behaviour of Clocks 

“No matter your generation or gender identity, you’ll find a woman you recognize in these pages—and it just may be yourself. These needle-sharp poems not only pierce the narratives of womanhood, they draw blood.. “ - Kory Wells, author of Sugar Fix